What Is Better: A Circular Saw Or A Handsaw?

The circular saw uses electricity to power its rotating blade. This makes it ideal for cutting through thick materials such as wood. A hand saw is just that a saw that you hold in your hand and use to cut things. This is a great tool for small projects and when you don’t need the power of an electric circular saw.

Both the circular saw and handsaw have unique advantages. It all depends on what purpose you are using the tool for. A circular saw is best if you need to cut through wood quickly and cleanly. But if youre looking for something more portable that can do light-duty jobs, then go with a hand saw. Keep checking back for more details!

Hand Saw Vs. Circular Saw. Which One Is Best For You?

Whether you are a professional carpenter or just starting out, you have likely wondered which saw is better for the job a circular saw or a hand saw?

To help you make the right decision, we will go over the pros and cons for each type of saw.

1: Circular Saw

An electric circular saw, powered by electricity, is an electric tool. This type of saw is most often used in woodworking projects because it can create straight, accurate cuts through thick pieces of wood.

The base of the saw holds the motor and blade. The base has two settings, one to turn the blade on/off and one that adjusts the height before cutting. The circular blade rotates about its axis and is powered by electricity. This allows it to make precise cuts.

Two main characteristics distinguish the circular saw from other types include the presence of a corded source of power and a cylindrical body with a handle at each end and a piece that extends from behind, called a shoe. The shoe keeps the saw in the correct position above the material that you are cutting.


  • The circular saw is a very versatile tool. The circular saw can be used to make precise cuts in thick wood pieces.
  • Adjusting the height of your shoe’s base can allow you to adjust the blade for cutting at different angles.
  • They are typically easy to use and safe if you follow all safety precautions when using them.
  • Circular saws are lightweight and easy to carry, especially cordless models.


  • When they’re running, circular saws can get a little too loud
  • Because they rotate at high speeds, it can be slow to make straight cuts in thick pieces of wood. This is especially true if the saw has to be used for multiple passes.

2: Hand Saw

A handsaw is a tool that has a handle and a blade attached at opposite ends. This allows the user to cut materials such as wood or metal by moving it up and down.

There are many different types of hand saws designed for specific uses, including crosscut saws, coping saws, keyhole saws, bow saws, dovetail/back saws, circular or saber saws, miter saws, jig or scroll saws, rip saws, panel saws, and trenches the.


  • A hand saw is typically easier to use than a circular one. They are great for small tasks and can be used as a handy tool to do jobs around the home.
  • They are generally accurate and easier to control when compared with other types of saws.
  • Hand saws that are portable can be lighter and faster than larger power saws.
  • A hand saw is usually affordable because they are less complicated than other tools like power drills and circular saws.


  • To use a hand saw for long periods of time, you will need to exert more effort and physical strength than other types. They may also be more difficult to use for cutting thicker or longer pieces of wood.
  • Hand saws might not be able make straight cuts in thick material. This can lead to increased time and effort.



How Can You Choose Which Tool To Use In A Project?

When choosing the right tool for your project, there are several things you need to keep in mind. The first consideration is the thickness of the material you need to cut. A circular saw might be more suitable for the job if it is too thick, or too difficult to use your hand saw.

Which Saw Is The Best For Beginners?

Both the hand and circular saws are good choices for beginners. A hand saw can be more difficult than a circular saw. It is best to try one first.

What Materials Can Each Type Saw Cut?

Each type of saw will cut through different types of materials. Because of its nature, the hand saw is capable of cutting through thick wood pieces. However, it will take longer than a circular saw to cut them. You should use the type of saw that is most accurate and efficient for the project at hand.