RIDGID PORTABLE 10 In. Pro Jobsite Table Saw Review

When it comes to table saws, there are a few different options on the market. There are two options: a portable saw or a contractor saw. If youre looking for something in between, the RIDGID 10 in. Pro Jobsite Table Saw might be perfect for you. Its small enough to take with you on the go, but has the power to handle tougher projects.

It also comes with a stand, so it doesn’t matter where you put it. Continue reading to see our complete review of the table saw.

RIDGID PORTABLE 10. Pro Jobsite Table Saw With Stand:

The RIDGID PORTABLE 10 in. The Pro Jobsite Table Saw offers many features. The following are a few of the significant features of this table saw.

Capacity For RIP:

The RIDGID 10 in. Pro Jobsite Table Saw can handle a maximum rip capacity of 2-1/4 in. 45, and 3 1/2 in. at 90. This allows for various valuable cuts, such as making molding, trim, and joinery cuts.

Table Surface

The table surface is cast aluminum, which provides a smooth, durable surface for making precise cuts. The steel stand has wheels to make it portable and durable.

Included Accessories:

The Table Saw includes a 10 in. blade, blade guard assembly, and operators manual. It also includes a portable folding stand for added convenience.


The Table Saw’s 15 Amp motor provides enough power to make even the most difficult cuts.

Etra Blades:

Standard 10 in. blades are accepted by the Table Saw. Blades are interchangeable so that you always have the right one for the job.

Rip Fence

The RIDGID PORTABLE Table Saw has a rip fence. It is simple to adjust and makes a consistent, stable cut. The fence also has integrated T-slots that allow for the secure attachment of select accessories.

Portable Stand:

The Table Saw includes a portable folding stand that makes it easy to transport and set up. The stand has wheels for added convenience.

Operators Manual:

The RIDGID PORTABLE Table Saw comes with an operators manual that provides clear, concise instructions for safe and effective use.


  • Rapid and precise.
  • Smooth, durable surface for making precise cuts.
  • The steel stand has wheels to make it portable and durable.
  • Powered by a 15 Amp motor that provides plenty of power


  • Some users had difficulty assembling the saw.
  • The rip fence may need to be adjusted frequently.
  • The table surface is not as flat as some users would like.


So there you have it, the RIDGID PORTABLE 10 in. The Pro Jobsite Tablesaw with Stand is versatile and powerful, and can be used for a wide range of cuts.

My Recommendation:

My recommendation is the RIDGID PORTABLE 10. The Pro Jobsite Tablesaw with Stand is the best because it can do a wide range of cuts. The 10 in. blade can rip through 4 in. 4 in. x 4 In. It is a useful tool that can be used quickly to create material for any job site.

In addition, the front and back clamping fence features integrated T-slots that allow for the secure attachment of select accessories, making it a versatile and powerful saw. This table saw is a great choice for anyone who needs a durable and reliable saw that can do a wide range of cuts.

Customer Reviews:

  1. The number of table saws available was overwhelming when I first tried to find the best one. After reading customer reviews, I decided that the RIDGID PORTABLE 10 in. The Pro Jobsite Tablesaw with Stand was the best for me. Customers were satisfied with the saw’s quality and performance and considered it a valuable tool to add to their toolbox. Although some users found the assembly of the saw difficult, most customers were satisfied with their purchase.
  2. It arrived a month ago, and I am very pleased with it. It is accurate and simple to use. It is also durable and easily portable.
  3. This saw has been with me for 6 months. Its been a great addition to my shop. Its accurate and has plenty of power. I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the market for a new table saw.
  4. Ive had this saw for a few months now and it has been a great addition to my shop. Its accurate, powerful, and easy to use. It is a great table saw and I highly recommend it.